Android App Development

I've always loved programming and was always curious about how apps were made, so I set out to learn how to make apps. I really enjoy going to the gym, however found that no current app existed that tracks your workouts, recommends new ones, and provides feedback that isn't riddled with ads or promos. My goal: to make a fitness tracking app that people can use with a clean interface and minimal distraction. The product: WeFit! This app is currently available on the Google Play Store and has over 1,000 downloads (plus a 5-star rating).




The 2nd app I created was a Harry Potter World Exploring app. This app was created as part of a presentation/project for the course ENGL108P and helps visualize the power struggle as seen in the Harry Potter franchise. The user may choose a character and explore popular locations found in the Harry Potter universe, however the environment behaves differently depending on which character is chosen. This app unforunately was taken down due to violating copyrights of Warner Bros. however had over 15,000 downloads!